CrystalMaker Guide: CCL Data Files
The CCL format is a flexible format often used for controlling least-squares refinement of crystal structures.
CCL Output Files
The CCL file listed below was generated at the Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, England, for Rietveld profile refinement of neutron powder data. Each line begins with a single-character "card" which identifies the type of data on the rest of line. CrystalMaker reads the "A"(atom), "S" (symmetry) and "C" (cell parameter) cards. The remaining cards are ignored.
N Leucite:
(tetragonal form, I41/a, 100 deg C, run 2177) Z Z Atom coordinates: Z Name x y z ITF SITE A K 0.36628 0.36535 0.11714 0.00000 A Al1 0.05816 0.39671 0.16544 0.00000 1.15898 A Al2 0.16851 0.61241 0.12795 0.00000 1.09160 A Al3 0.39327 0.64060 0.08633 0.00000 1.15535 A O1 0.13076 0.31362 0.11114 0.00000 A O2 0.09267 0.51045 0.13100 0.00000 A O3 0.14546 0.67899 0.22693 0.00000 A O4 0.13417 0.68387 0.03584 0.00000 A O5 0.28922 0.57730 0.12120 0.00000 A O6 0.48407 0.61753 0.16647 0.00000 Z Z Temperature factors: Z Name type B11 B22 B33 B23 B13 B12 T K 2 3.08227 3.60303 8.72175 -1.40161 -0.41780 0.41179 T Al1 2 2.31015 1.62830 2.09483 -0.07154 -0.57991 -0.03895 T Al2 2 2.61028 1.40379 1.68022 0.27654 -0.35900 -0.28226 T Al3 2 2.38851 1.59443 1.40649 0.22217 0.29850 0.37947 T O1 2 3.61923 1.97148 3.40467 -0.99642 0.62805 0.62841 T O2 2 2.47345 1.48581 3.81207 0.26933 -0.26403 -0.72886 T O3 2 3.17707 2.02727 1.59188 0.17123 0.78885 -0.39212 T O4 2 3.57495 2.26867 2.37049 0.35573 0.51183 0.51005 T O5 2 1.41798 2.66029 3.59918 0.50156 0.16053 0.27390 T O6 2 2.10489 2.42872 1.56017 0.44132 -0.62086 0.13770 Z Z Form factors. 1 ==> neutron scattering lengths Z Name b F K 1 0.36700 F O 1 0.58050 F Al 1 0.34490 Z Z Cell parameters C 13.08966 13.08966 13.75299 90.000 90.000 90.000 Z Z Symmetry elements S 1/2+X,1/2+Y,1/2+Z S -X,-Y,-Z S -X,1/2-Y,Z S 3/4-Y,1/4+X,1/4+Z Z Z Some control parameters. I NCYC 5 MCOR 0 PRIN 0 PRFO 0 PRPR 2 PRFC 2 BMIN 1.5 BMAX 3.2 Z Z Statement for subsequent calculation of bond lengths B BOND Z Z Refinement type as regards treatment of background L REFI -11 Z Generation of scan indices (sgb) L RTYP 1 35000.00 120000.00 L WGHT 3 Z Parameters for instrumental effects. L THE2 168.32943 L ZERO -25.1969 L PKCN 96.0505 -2.7089 L SCAL 4.25247 Z Peak profile parameters (sgb) L PKFN TAUF 8.0000 0.0000 2.6000 L PKFN TAUS 8.0000 35.0000 0.0000 L PKFN SIGM 5.0000 0.0000 184.6261 2.9742 L PKFN GAMM 10.0000 0.0000 17.7172 -0.4071 ZL PKFN SIGM 5.0000 0.0000 403.4952 2.7768 L PKFN SWCH 1.0000 4.0889 0.6902 Z Background parameters: coefficients in a polynomial series L BACK 2 185.32263 -8.32725 4.20362 -13.18662 -5.73850 -4.09562 4.90978 Z Z Constrains stoichiometry L RELA 2 1.0 Al1 SITE 1.0 Al2 SITE 1.0 Al3 SITE Z Z What to vary in the refinement. L VARY ONLY SCAL 1 ALL BACK L VARY A* C* ZERO 1 PKCN 2 SIGM 2 SIGM 3 GAMM 2 GAMM 3 L VARY ALL XYZ L VARY ALL BIJ L VARY Al1 SITE Al2 SITE Al3 SITE |
You should ensure that all the symmetry cards for your spacegroup are present in the input file.
CrystalMaker can also import CCL files that contain spacegroup symbols on the "S"line-designated by the "GRUP" control card, e.g.,
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